LIABILITY POLICY: While Maplewoodshop teaches tool safety, working with tools is inherently dangerous. Please sign below to acknowledge agreement with the following statements to be eligible to participate in our courses:
I agree to observe and obey all rules and warnings given by the instructor, staff, representatives or agents of Maplewoodshop.
I recognize that there are certain inherent risks associated with the above course and I assume full responsibility for any personal injury to myself
I further release and discharge Maplewoodshop and the instructor of this course for any injury, loss, or damage arising out of my use or presence on the facilities used for this course, whether caused by the fault of myself, Maplewoodshop, or third parties.
I agree to indemnify and defend Maplewoodshop against all claims, causes of action, damages, judgements, costs or expenses, including attorney fees and other litigation costs, which may in any way arise from my use of or presence upon the facilities provided for the course I have registered for.
I agree to pay for all damages to the facilities provided for this course caused by my negligent, reckless, or willful actions.