Woodworking is the medium, student benefits are endless

Students gain social skills, math skills, and highly transferable hands on career exploration.

Teachers gain a new way to solve the ‘why do I need to learn this’ issue in a fully supported way

Administrators can solve for absenteeism, low student engagement, and low test scores while engaging existing staff in existing rooms

Read on to learn more:

Odds are, you remember what you made in 7th grade in your ‘shop class’. And, odds are, you cannot remember a paper you wrote that year.
— Maplewoodshop Founder

Student Benefits

  • Build Social Skills

    Building in a group develops social skills and fosters growth

    All projects are engaging and especially for hard to reach students

    Students are encouraged to teach their peers and assess their own work and behaviors

  • Hands on Math

    Students are measuring, marking, sawing, fitting, and joining projects making math real and practical

    Students share that woodworking does not feel like math

    In one study (n=65), we found a 20% lift in math scores after 40 hours of woodworking

  • Discover a Passion

    Why wait until 11th grade to discover a passion?

    Students learn transferable skills while woodworking creating options

    Students can earn up to 16 college credits using the Career Connections pre-apprenticeship program

Teacher Benefits

  • Any teacher can succeed

    90% of the teachers we train have no prior experience in woodworking

    By avoiding power tools, teachers do not need a certificate

    Teachers enjoy learning with their students

  • Fast onboarding

    Professional development takes 2-3 hours and includes safety, classroom management and building a project together

    Access our online learning system to see videos for every tool and every project

    Download PDFs of every project as well as rubrics and assessments

  • Support at every step

    Curriculum is aligned to NGSS and Common Core standards

    Career Connections is approved in all 50 states

    Pacing guides help you stay on track

    Teacher communities to share tips and tricks

    Wood is project ready

Administrator Benefits

  • You have the teacher

    90% of the teachers we train have no prior experience in woodworking

    By avoiding power tools, teachers do not need a certificate

    Teachers enjoy learning with their students

  • You have the room

    Maplewoodshop fits in any classroom on almost any table or desk

    Cleanup is fast and saw ‘crumbs’ can be swept between classes

    No power tools means no extra insurance

  • You have the students

    Keep vocational students in district avoiding transportation and transfer fees

    Offer college credits and create multiple career pathways for college and non-college bound students

    Scale programs from elementary to middle to high school safely and consistently.

    Give all students 21st-century learning skills such as communication, problem-solving and collaboration

Picture of Sandy Cullis

Sandra L. Cullis, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent, Curricula & Instruction, Denville Township Schools

“The Maplewoodshop program has provided a hands-on learning experience that draws in ALL students, which has made a significant impact on our ESY summer programs. Students attend woodworking two periods per week, and on many days was the reason they came to school. We have experienced higher student attendance than in previous summers, and have seen more focus in the academic periods.”