Camp Special Edition March 2024
A Message from Mike
Woodworking is now the embodiement of this ethos of building together. We see both campers and counselors grow through woodworking. Whether you want to give your campers a taste, or an immersive experience, we are here to help you.
Please enjoy this special camp newsletter and we hope to see you at ACA TRI STATE at booth 606. We will have some GREAT Show Specials!
Did you know?
Camp builds necessary skills for adulthood
The ACA was fortunate to have the Lilly Endowment Inc. fund research by Philliber Research Associates to collect longitudinal data at 92 randomly selected camps including over 5,000 families from around the country. In summary:
"Results confirmed that camps build skills necessary to prepare campers to assume roles as successful adults. Parents, campers, and camp staff independently reported growth in areas such as self-confidence, independence, making friends, exploring and learning new activities, and spirituality. Indeed, camp provides growth experiences for youth that can benefit them through adulthood."
More at the ACA sit
Funding Sources
If you are in the the ACA, NY & NJ, please check out the Scott Rails Fund. This generous grant helps camps with capital improvements up to $25,000 and the application deadline is April 15, 2024.
"Scott Ralls, a longtime volunteer and past President of ACA, NY & NJ passed away in September 2020. Scott was an incredible advocate for our industry and an amazing supporter of ACA. We plan to honor Scott’s contributions with a dedicated fund that will provide capital grants to Accredited non-profit camps of our affiliate."
More information here.
Program Updates
Introducing the Maplewoodshop MINI! This 'back to basics' version of our program is ideal for tight budgets, younger campers, and use of seasonal staff. You still get the amazing project plans, all in one equipment and tools, as well as online training.
Learn more here then give our wonderful Account Executive John a holler here.
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The Orange Pencil Award
With over 50 camps to choose from, and each one amazing and unique in its own way, this year we give the Orange Pencil award to Dean Adventure Camps (formerly The Handwork Studio & Velocity Adventure Camp). Across their 7 locations, they focus on creating A-HA moments through playful learning and hands-on fun. We are proud to support woodworking in each location and wish them and you a wonderful 2024!
Welcome to the Family
Welcome Osher Marin JCC whose Camp Kehillah is , we create a lifetime of magical summer camp memories while learning and living Jewish culture and values.
Upcoming events
American Camp Association Tri-State Conference
March 12-13
Atlantic City, NJ
Booth 606 - come find us!
Show specials!
New York City District Council of Carpenters Training Center Open House
March 27
Manhattan, NY