Sawdust News October 2023

A Message from Mike

And then what? While woodworking remains the ultimate application of learning, our partners ask what we can offer to their students to sample other trades and crafts. We are rolling out Green Energy in 2024 thanks to a grant from the NJEDA and in partnership with Kidwind. This program will Introduce your students to the exciting world of renewable energy,
engineering, and STEM careers

AND, we are actively exploring other ideas. 

Our vision is to have a sampler of trades and crafts as well as personality inventories so that middle school students, at the point of inflection where they are forming identity, can realize they have many options.

Will you join us in this vision? Please email me directly or if you have an idea, we created this form for you to use.

Thanks and we look forward to your insights.


Wind Energy Project Pilot Program

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our Wind Energy Project Pack pilot program, where three visionary teachers are leading the charge to ignite curiosity and hands-on learning in renewable energy. These dedicated educators are not only exploring the Wind Energy industry but also building essential STEM skills, embracing career exploration, and fostering a love for tactile learning. Stay tuned for their inspiring journey as they pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future!

Building a Diverse CTE Leadership Pipeline

While there is a growing diversity in the United States population and among students in Career Technical Education (CTE) programs, diversity among CTE leadership remains notably insufficient. The "Building a Diverse CTE Leadership Pipeline Toolkit" from Advance CTE, with the support of ECMC Foundation, addresses the need for diverse role models and mentors in Career Technical Education by assisting state leaders in creating a program to enhance and diversify the CTE leadership pipeline.

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The Orange Pencil Award

Congratulations to the Joyce Kilmer School in Milltown School District, New Jersey! In addition to kicking off Maplewoodshop this year, their amazing woodworking teachers Ms. Eichert and Mr. Skidmore will be piloting our newest Wind Energy Project Pack! 

We are so grateful for their collaboration and partnership, and we look forward to hearing about the fantastic work they will do with Maplewoodshop and their students.

Welcome to the Family

A new addition to our family is always worth celebrating, so get your party hats and let’s celebrate all the schools and camps that have joined Maplewoodshop. We are glad to add you to our family!

STAR Alternative School

Upcoming events

NJEA Convention

November 9 -10, 2023

Atlantic City, NJ


Ohio School Boards

November 12-14, 2023


NJ League of Municipalities

November 14 -16, 2023
Atlantic City, NJ


Sawdust News November 2023


Sawdust News September 2023