Sawdust News June 2024
A Message from Mike
As we head into the summer, I wanted to congratulate all the educators on an amzaing school year. And, share some food for thought from a wonderful educator, Doug Stowe. Doug points out that woodworking has a suprisingly large number of benefits from connecting with the natural world to cross-curricular connections to developing students' moral character and creative intelligence. Please read the full blog post here at: Wisdom of the Hands
Did you know?
Shout out to Maryland for their work to make all students either college OR career ready. Every state not only needs to have this mandate but to also FUND the mandate if we want to help our struggling students discover all the opportunity ahead. Read more below and at this link.
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future The College and Career Readiness Pillar sets a new College and Career Readiness (CCR) standard that prepares graduates for success in college and the workforce by ensuring they have the knowledge and skills to complete entry-level credit-bearing college courses and work in high-wage and high-demand industries. The Blueprint aims to have all students meet the CCR standard by the end of their 10th grade year, develops CCR-Support pathways to support students in meeting the standard, enables students to enter a Post-CCR pathway that builds on the student’s strengths, develops a Career and Technical Education (CTE) system that is aligned with industry’s needs, and ensures that prekindergarten through 12th grade curriculum, standards, and assessments are all aligned with the new CCR standard.
Program Updates
Want to assess your students' safety and project work? We now have rubrics for safety, tools, and a select few projects. Email us to learn more!
The Orange Pencil Award
BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO Reach Cyber Charter School for graduating their first cohort of students from the Carpenters Union Pre Apprenticeship program. Students completed three years of study, recieved college credits and potential pathways to the Carpenters Union. We are proud to have enabled the delivery of this program and all kudos to Wyatt Anderson for his amazing teaching.
Read more here
Welcome to the Family
Welcome one and welcome all!
Albany Community School (VT)
Lyon County School District (NV)
Southampton Summer Day Camp (PA)
Nanuet Union Free School District (NY)
Colin Powell Academy (MD)
Camp Tevya (MA)
And welcome back to the many camps and summer school programs we support!
Upcoming events
SkillsUSA’s National Leadership & Skills Conference (NLSC) - Atlanta GA June 24-28. More information at